Hey everyone,
So I was watching Megans's
what I love about YOU tag, and then Fleur's
video and wanted to share some love myself. I know that tag videos are usually done in videos on YouTube, but I thought why not? I'll do a tag blog post;) Here we go...
1. Who would you trade hair with on youtube?
I would have to say Katie(
DollyBowBow) because her hair always looks amazing, its so long and gorgeous. I just love it!
2.Who is someone who's videos are a 'first watch'?I instantly click on Thea(
xrubyredlips)'s videos because they are so rare and I find her really easy to watch and stuff.
3. Who has amazing style to you?I think Samantha(
beautycrush) has AMAZING style,
4.A favorite guru who lives in a different country than you.As I'm from England theres a lot of choice because most gurus are from the US. I can't really choose a favorite I love all the girls mentioned in this blog.
5.Who is someone you feel like you can rely on?I've never met or even spoken to her, but i feel like as a friend Bethany(
MacBarbie07) would be very reliable, like you could call her up any hour and talk and she'd listen happily.
6.Who do you think has great confidence? Victoria(
chevyxo) because shes just so honest and herself in her videos. I never feel like shes being fake, all her reviews are completely honest ect. and i think you have to be very confident to be able to do that, and to be able to give your honest opinion about products and everything, so her.
7.If you could be best friends with someone on youtube, who would it be?I'd say Tanya(
pixi2woo) because shes so cute and I just think she'd be really fun to have around and we have lots in common. Not to mention shes GORGEOUS. I think that Allie(
glassslipperbeauty)is also a really sweet girl and would be good to have as a best friend
8.Who has the cutest username?I think Samantha, Megan(
meganheartsmakeup), Thea and Katie all have really cute usernames, I cant choose!
9. Who is the most down to earth?Mori(
slightlyscented) is really honest and down to earth, shes honestly not afraid of who she is or afraid to admit her flaws on camera which I think is really brave. She just seems really honest and grounded which I love about her.
10.Who would you love to go shopping with?I'd love to go shopping with Katie because she always seems to have amazing clothes in her hauls from Primark, so hopefully she'd be able to help me find some gorgeous bargains.
11.Who is someone you have watched from "the begining"Thea and Bethany are both gurus I've watched grow up drastically and were two of the first people i subscribed to right from the start of their videos.
12. Who do you relate to/is most similar to you.I relate to everybody mentioned, but I feel like I can relate to Megan a lot because we're the same age and I also have a long-term boyfriend and we seem to share the same views on things other than beauty, so I'd say mostly her.
13.Who has the prettiest smile?I really don't think anybody can have an ugly smile because when you smile you instantly look more attractive, so I'm just gonna say everyone
14.Who has the prettiest room?Blair(
juicystar07) has such a gorgeous room. Its always perfectly tidy and I really love the way its decorated and stuff. As shes currently in the process of moving, I'm so excited to see what her new room looks like
15.Who would you want as a "big sister"?I think Tanya again because she seems like such a sweet person and like she'd always be there for you. And I wouldn't mind having a few of her genes either haha
16.Who do you always learn something from?I'm gonna say Blair again. I don't always learn beauty things from her, but because she talks so much, I learn something new about her in each video which I think is really fun and makes me want to watch more of her videos. In terms of actual beauty related things, Kelly(
HairGirl247) because she always seems to have new tips and hairstyles that I normally haven't seen or heard before.
17.Who makes the most creative videos?I think Megan, Fleur(
FleurDeForce) and Bethany make creative videos because Megan and Bethany do fashion videos like DIY trends and stuff and they film in different places so they often have cool scenery behind them. Bethany does cooking videos sometimes and Fleur has done some cooking videos with Ingrid(
missglamorazzi) which I thought was cool.