Monday, 23 May 2011

Cheating in relationships: Daisy says...

To me, cheating is unforgivable. As they say, once a cheater always a cheater. Cheating is a sign of immaturity because it shows the person cannot discuss problems with their partner, so simply cheat because they think cheating will make it better- it doesn't.
Cheating is a big thing in life today, with new stories in the papers all the time about celebrities cheating, especially footballers. You need to be with somebody who you can trust and just remember that if they cheat on you, they aren't good enough for you, not the other way round.

"If a guy cheated on his girlfriend to be with me, should I trust him?"
No. Obviously in certain situations he may be trustworthy but generally I'd say no. If he's cheated on her to be with you, who's to say he wont cheat on you to be with someone else?

"I've been cheated on, what did I do wrong?"
You picked the wrong guy! Whatever went on in your relationship is not an excuse for him to cheat on you. If your trying to fix your relationship after someone's cheated, don't show any guilt for them cheating on you, you did nothing wrong. This is all their fault and you need to make sure they know that and admit that before you can move further. They also need to accept that there will be boundaries for a while, while you learn to trust them all over again. Don't feel like you have to make the relationship work, if your finding it too hard then end it.

"How do I know I can trust them?"
Personally, I'm in a relationship and I'd never cheat. I think if you really truly love someone, you can't cheat on them.
I think you can tell by their relationship history and just the way they are around other people. If they're always looking around, or act different when other girls are around to how they act when its just the two of you then they're more likely to cheat. This doesn't mean that they WILL cheat, don't panic!

"I don't want to cheat, but I'm worried I might, what should I do?"
Okay first of all, are you happy in your relationship? If not, you need to either talk about it or just break up. If you are happy and this is simply physical temptation, try not to drink much when you're not with your partner to rule out any regrets in the morning. Also, if you're really in love with your partner but still tempted, imagine their face when they found out you cheated. (Because trust me- they will! Nobody keeps secrets any more) That should be enough to stop you. If it's not, then you may want to consider breaking up with your partner, to save their hurt feelings.

If you have any other questions about cheating, or any topics you want to see me write about, email

Thanks for reading

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